Our Members’ Event and pre-dinner drinks night is next week on Thursday 6th June 2019 for 6:00 pm at the Kelvin Club (14-20 Melbourne Place just off Russell Street). This month we are pleased to welcome three guest speakers:
- Anton Block, Principal Lawyer with KCL Law;
- Rob Beck, General Manager, Strata Community Australia (VIC); and our sponsor
- Rick Deering, Founder and Director of Fawkner May, Owners Corporation Management Services.
The Forum will follow a format of a short introduction from each speaker followed by a relatively long question time.
At the end, we will enjoy light refreshments and further chatter, as is our custom. Members and guests are welcome, of course, to avail themselves of the extensive bar provided by the Kelvin Club.
Come along and have all those questions about Strata Living answered by our expert panel. Enjoy the warm, convivial surroundings of our wonderful venue. Members attend for free and Guests are asked to contribute $5 towards costs.