Residents 3000 AGM with guest speaker – Lord Mayor Sally Capp

Residents 3000 are happy to welcome again Sally Capp, City of Melbourne Lord Mayor to join us for the Residents 3000 Annual General Meeting on 5th September 2019. This is the first Thursday of September – our regular Forum 3000 event time.

We are planning to minimise the formalities and use the time to ask our Lord Mayor to update us on the City of Melbourne’s progress with the three most pressing issue that presently concern CBD residents – waste management, homelessness and building development.

Not your ordinary AGM …  there will be entertainment with a jazz pianist, singer and composer – Monique Di Mattina, and we will have refreshments to conclude the event.

Members who have not yet renewed for the 2019 financial year need to renew to be able to vote.

The AGM Agenda, proxy forms and meeting papers are posted on the website here