You are invited to our next Forum 3000 – a Residents 3000 monthly event, which will be held on Thursday, 2nd November 2017 at the Kelvin Club (14-20 Melbourne Place just off Russell Street). Registrations and pre-drinks start at 6.00pm and our guests presentation commences at 6.30pm.
This month, Residents 3000 have invited Councillor Nicholas Reece to talk about Planning and the Environment in the CBD. Councillor Reece chairs the City of Melbourne’s planning portfolio and is deputy chair of the Environment portfolio. As well as the portfolios, Cr Reece is the Council’s representative on the Inner Melbourne Action Plan Implementation (IMAP) Committee and the Parks and Gardens Advisory Committee.
These topics are clearly dear to the hearts of city residents. We are sure that you will have many questions to ask Cr Reece. For this reason, the plan is to have a relatively short presentation and ample time for questions from the floor.
You may be interested to know the the Council’s Planning Portfolio includes all of the following functions:
- Statutory Planning and Building Control
- Strategic Planning
- Structure Planning
- Urban Design
- Planning Scheme Amendments
- Noise Abatement
- Future Melbourne
- Heritage Planning
- Community Engagement relating to all of the above.
The event is free for our current members. If your membership has lapsed you are welcome to renew at $25 per person. Non-members will be asked to contribute $5 to cover costs. New members welcome! The extensive Kelvin Club bar is available during the evening and delicious refreshments will be served after the event.
Residents 3000 would like to acknowledge that our colleagues at East Enders have kindly offered to sponsor this important event – the last one this year before our Christmas social event in December.