August 2021 update

Forum 3000 – City of Melbourne Library services and Older Persons programs and services; Victoria Police update

Residents 3000 would like to invite you to our August 2021 update via Zoom meeting on Thursday, 5 August 2021 at 6pm AEST. During the meeting the City of Melbourne representatives will provide an update on available library services and programs and services aimed at older generation. We will also have an update from the local Victoria Police on current issues facing City Residents. The event will conclude with Q&A for the presenters.

The presenters for the event:
Fiona Addison, Ageing and Inclusion, City of Melbourne 
Emily Johns, Library Services, City of Melbourne
Janie Lambert, Leading Senior Constable, Victoria Police

Send your questions for the presenters prior to the event by emailing us at:

We look forward to seeing you!

Zoom Meeting details:
Date and time: Thursday, 5 August 2021 at 6pm AEST
Join link:
Meeting ID: 872 0355 0080

City of Melbourne programs and services for older people

3000 Plants – Neighbourhood Garden Club

We would like to invite you to our next 3000 Plants – Neighbourhood Garden Club. We will be running this event via Zoom on Sunday, 8 August 11 July 2021 at 4pm. The topic for the event is preparing for spring where we will share some tips with you what you can do now in August to help your plats grow beautifully during the warmer months.

Join link will be provided on the website here.

Contact us with the event or your gardening questions on

Read more about this and previous events here.

Melbourne Residents Neighbourhood Garden Club
3000 Plants – Neighbourhood Garden Club

Time to join or renew your membership

The year has flown and it’s time to renew your membership with Residents3000. Visit our website here to renew by Paypal or Direct Debit. Alternatively you will be able to renew with cash at our next face to face event – hopefully at the beginning of September 2021 at the Kelvin Club.

If you are a subscriber to our newsletter and you care about our beautiful city, perhaps you could join as a new member here. For annual membership fee of only $25 you get access to our catered events at the Kelvin Club plus our monthly gardening and walking events and lots of useful resident information on our website.   

As a premier residents’ group for Melbourne CBD, we have an important role to play in creating and maintaining a vibrant, ecologically sound city, where our diverse, multicultural population can live, work and prosper happily. Times may be unprecedented and this is more reason for the community to work together towards full economic recovery.