Forum 3000 – Meet our elected state politicians, and a discussion of unfreezing the liquor licence curfew

Following the results of the State election in November 2022, Residents 3000 group would like to invite you to come along on Thursday, 11th May 2023 to provide a chance for constituents to meet their newly elected representatives, and to hear their future plans for our community. 

We also will use half of the event to discuss a very important topic that is the unfreezing of the 1:00 am liquor licence in post code 3000 and its impacts on our local community. 

Residents 3000 Inc. are proud to organise this forum and wish that all state politicians who represent the CBD can be present. We are also inviting some government bodies and local politicians to participate in the second part of the event regarding the intention of the state government to unfreeze the hours of operation of some late-night venues.

The late-night freeze, initially introduced in 2008, impacted venues in the local government areas of Melbourne (including the Docklands), Port Phillip, Yarra, and Stonnington.

The forum is envisaged as a platform for politicians and government bodies to present their vision and highlight their priority issues in general for the coming years of their mandate and to express their thoughts on the stopping the liquor licence freeze. We as a group aim with this event to pave the way for closer collaboration between Residents 3000 and political leaders that are serving our community. 

Each elected representative will be allocated time to present and talk about their future plans for our community (time will be based on the number of politicians attendees) followed by a second round of time for each of the presenters, to provide their views on unfreezing of liquor licence hours and a short Q&A from the general public to finish. 

The event will be chaired by Dr. Stan Capp, Committee member of Residents 3000, and President of East Enders.

Have your say……

There is opportunity to share your views about policies that affect the amenity of living in the CBD.  Please provide your comments via these links.  Note that the opportunities to participate in the discussions do not last long.  Task to do before out meeting on Thursday!

About injecting drug-related harms in the City of Melbourne…

Late-night liquor licensing and the late night liquor freeze…

The details of the event are:

DATE:         Thursday, 11th May 2023

TIME:          6:00pm for 6:30pm start

VENUE:      Kelvin Club, 14-20 Melbourne, Melbourne 3000