Forum 3000 event – transport strategy and metro tunnel update

Our first Forum 3000 event for 2020 is on Thursday 6th February at 6:00 pm at the Kelvin Club (14-20 Melbourne Place just off Russell Street). This month we are pleased to welcome a guest speaker from the City of Melbourne: Richard Smithers, as well as guests from Rail Projects Victoria: Barry McGuren and Jodie Barrington.

The Transport Strategy 2030 plans to create a more enjoyable, safer central city which is easier to connect and travel within and better supports our shops, eateries and businesses to flourish. The strategy aims to provide more space for people on footpaths and around major transport hubs, reduce congestion for cars coming to the city, boost Melbourne’s $5.7 billion retail and hospitality sector, and reduce injuries to pedestrians and cyclists.

Richard Smithers from the City of Melbourne will provide the update on the recently approved Transport Strategy 2030. 

While on the topic of transport we also welcome our guests from Rail Projects Victoria and Cross Yarra Partnership to provide annual update on the metro tunnel works in the city of Melbourne.

Come along to our Forum 3000 event to learn all you can about this fascinating and ambitious project and about the transport strategy.

The event speakers:

Richard Smithers, City of Melbourne: Team Leader Transport Strategy at the City of Melbourne; responsible for Council’s Transport Strategy 2030, the Walking Plan 2014 and the Council’s response to the East West Link and the West Gate Tunnel projects. He has also contributed to a wide variety of other projects for City of Melbourne such as transport requirements for Melbourne’s urban development areas, City of Melbourne’s Bike Plans, car sharing, last kilometre freight strategy, Melbourne Metro and others. Richard has also worked in transport at City of Yarra and Bicycle Network as well as a school teacher and a journalist at The Age. Richard has a Master of Environmental Science from Monash University, a Diploma of Education and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Melbourne.

Barry McGuren, Rail Projects Victoria: Manager, Landowner and Business Support Services at Melbourne Metro Rail Authority. Previously Manager Business and Tourism at City of Melbourne.

Jodie Barrington, Cross Yarra Partnership: Jodie is a Stakeholder Engagement specialist with 20 years experience in communications, community relations, stakeholder engagement and public affairs. Jodie has extensive experience on large scale/high profile capital development projects both within Australia and in the UK and is currently managing Communications and Stakeholder Relations for Cross Yarra Partnership, delivering the $6 billion Metro Tunnel, a nine kilometer rail tunnel in Melbourne with five new stations.

We look forward to seeing you at this interesting event organised by Residents 3000. Refreshments will be served following the event. The Kelvin Club bar is available throughout for attendees enjoyment.

This event is free for our current members. If your membership has lapsed you are welcome to renew at $25 per person. Non-members will be asked to contribute $5 to cover costs. New members welcome!

This event is supported by East Enders and by Coalition of Resident and Business Associations CoRBA