Outdoor dining contact numbers

Our November Residents 3000 event, Melbourne Outdoor Dining, was a very informative session.  Thanks again to the following for their presentations:

  • Deb Lusty and Paul Murtagh, Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation Licencing and Compliance Divisions
  • Inspector Troy Papworth, Victoria Police Liquor Regulation
  • Dean Robertson, Director, and John Kanelopoulos, Program Manager, Street Trading On-Street Support and Compliance, Community and City Services, City of Melbourne.

The following contact numbers may be helpful to address any issues arising from outdoor dining venues:

  1. Complaints regarding breaches of hours of opening, noise levels, patron queues and the number of permitted tables
    City of Melbourne – Ph: 9658 9658 (Select Option 2)
  1. Concerns about non-compliance with COVID-safety plans
    Department of Health and Human Services Victoria – Ph: 13 1444
  1. Victoria Police – Melbourne East Police Station – Ph: 9637 1100