Residents 3000 are pleased to invite you to our third Forum 3000 of the year, which will be held at the Kelvin Club, 14-30 Melbourne Place (off Russell Street) on Thursday, 4 April 2024, from 6:00pm.
Our guests from the City of Melbourne will provide an update on the latest waste and recycling, resource recovery, and sustainability initiatives:
- Vince Macolino, Acting Director Waste and Recycling
- Jordi McInerney, Manager Strategic Projects and Circular Economy
- Steven Pilinis, Acting Manager Clean City
- Catherine Ng, Manager Commercial Waste and Recycling Services
- Kevin Schwieker, Manager Residential Waste and Recycling Services
Our presenters will allow plenty of time to consider comments and answer questions.
This is an event not to be missed for the usual lively debates on how waste collection, recycling, and general cleanliness can be improved within our city neighbourhoods.

The details of the event are:
Thursday, 4 April 2024
6:00pm for 6:30pm start
Kelvin Club, 14-30 Melbourne Place (off Russell Street), Melbourne 3000
The registration table opens from 6:00pm, the guest presentations start at 6:30pm.
Finger food will be served at the event. Drinks available from the Kelvin Club bar.
The event is free for current members. If your annual membership has lapsed, you’re welcome to renew at $30 per person. Non-members are asked to pay $5 to cover costs. New memberships are welcome or renew early for next financial year!
Membership is $30 per person, per year, and will cover to the end of June next year.